GK in Hindi - सामान्य ज्ञान एवं करेंट अफेयर्स - GK Quiz


What's new in Garena FreeFire Max OB39 Update | OB39 अपडेट में नया क्या-क्या आ रहा है

आज के इस ब्लॉग में आप जानने वाले हैं कि हमारे फ्री फायर गेम के अंदर आने वाले नए अपडेट OB39 में क्या क्या बदलाव हो रहे हैं उन सभी के बारे मेंआप को नीचे आपको जानकारी मिलेगी|

1. Character Rework + New Character

 Alvaro (awakening)
● Should focus on promoting him because his skill is an AWAKENING
Skill: Thrown grenades will split before exploding to deal more damage
Mannequin will no longer be stationary. Mannequin will still have 150HP and will now last 12s by
Skill switched to active skill. Increases MAX HP and healing effect on skill use.
Increases fire rate and movement speed after knocking down enemies.
Applies a mark that slows down enemies when either Otho or the enemy is knocked down.
Restores HP a few seconds after taking damage. The skill CD will reset after using an active skill.
Ford’s effects CAN be stacked with Leon’s.

2. New Character: Orion
Active skill:
a. Converts EP to “crimson energy” automatically
b. Orion can only activate his skill once “crimson energy” is maxed
c. Upon skill activation, Orion can absorb HP from nearby enemies within 10 meters, at
10HP per second, for X seconds. The effect of this increases by XX per crimson energy.
d. While the skill is active, Orion will enter an invulnerable state where he cannot deal
or receive damage.

3. Character and Pet UI Rework

Before OB39 Update

Before OB39 Update

After OB39 Update

After OB39 Update


4. Mode optimizations
Lone Wolf: Now supports 1v1v1 / 2v2v2
Free For All: Now has a grenade mode
● FFC: Now supports Lone Wolf (very good)
● Training ground: Players can now destroy armor on dummies

5. Gameplay optimizations
1. Quality of life updates
● Squad chat optimization
○ Allows you to direct voice chat to specific players, in lobby and game
○ Improved voice chat quality
○ Useful for players who play with parties that are not full and do not want to speak to
public teammates
2. Control optimization
Reduced animation downtime during certain actions e.g. Falling, turning around,
melee attacking
○ Removed “drag to run” feature for crouching and proning.
○ Skydiving will now always face the center of the map instead of the plane’s flight
3. Mini-map optimization
○ Common areas - revival points, vending machines, and arsenals - can now be pinned
by tapping on the map
○ Nearby grenades will now have a sound and indication on the minimap
○ Players throwing grenades will also have their positions revealed
4. Other gameplay improvements
○ Aim precision optimization: Aiming at healthy enemies is now prioritized over downed
enemies if they are close together
○ Configurable item wheel: Players can now choose which items they want to have in
the quick actions item wheel
○ Team information board: On top of K/DA, you can now see your teammates’ skills,
items and weapons
○ Changes to gloo wall: Players can no longer jump on top of gloo walls, to prevent
height stacking tricks.


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Dailytalent Learning के Hindi GK & Hindi Current Affairs Section में आपका स्वागत हैं. हिंदी सामान्य ज्ञान तथा हिंदी करेंट अफेयर्स को समर्पित वेबसाइट है. यह वेबसाइट प्रतियोगिता परीक्षाओं जैसे SSC, IBPS, Banking, Rajasthan RPSC, MPPSC, UPSC, BPSC, JPSC, RRB, UPSC इत्यादि प्रतियोगिता परीक्षाओं के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है.